You placed a yoke around my neck
That was too heavy to bear
And it tied me to you in unspoken ways
Like oxen, in a pair
And I bore the burden loyally
And faithfully did my part
To guard the trusted secret
To protect your wicked heart
But the heaviness became greater
As the years passed by
And I confused my present reality
With tears I had never cried
And I think you took two things from me
Both my joy and my tears
And replaced them with numb sorrow,
Confusion, fears.
But this yoke is no longer mine
I am not your pair
I’ve traded it for another
This, you must bear
And the easy yoke of Christ
Will be my portion now
His burdens are light
That was His spoken vow
I will not run back to slavery
Or be its captive more
I will rest in the gentle and humble Savior
And learn from the yoke He bore
Come to Me, He said
Cast all your cares on Me
For I care for you, My child
Then, Now, Always, and for Eternity.
June 2008
So thankful we can cast all our cares on him!!