The pain, it’s numbing now
I don’t think that I can feel it
But when the burn cools
It will sting
And blister over
And I hope it doesn’t fester
I hope that when He removes
The bandages & the dead skin
That my heart will still be tender
That I won’t lash out at Him, at you, at myself
In my common self-destructive ways
I hope that I’ll understand that the stripping
The scrubbing of the outer layers of skin
Are only for my good
So the burn can heal
I hope I remember that He
Heals the brokenhearted, and binds up their wounds
I hope that I can remember
That He is the Overcomer, in this world of trouble
I hope I remember to forgive,
So I can be forgiven
I hope I remember that
God sees, God avenges, God rewards
I hope I can remember
That He loves us.
That He actually loves us.
For when the burn is being stripped
It’s hard to think,
Let alone remember
And it’s hard to hope
But I do now
While the burn is still cooling
I remember
June 2007