Atlanta is burning
Tongues afire
Freedom’s stirring
On this side of regret
Water barely drenching
The lapping flames
Comfort, respect; strength
Fighting the pain
And she weeps for what never will be
And she laughs at the future
Battling with grace and dignity
Never giving up
But you never die too early
And you never die too late
There’s a Truth we cannot take for granted
One we can never escape
So Lord, Atlanta is burning
The river’s shore beckons her home
Please take her soon to the other side
Where joy is her final crown.
9 September 2018
In the very last stages of cancer, Amy’s mouth was deeply pained and she described it as though it was on fire. Sitting bedside for six of her last ten days was truly one of the most sacred week’s of my life. This poem marks the date that I saw her for the very last time and said good-bye. She reached heaven’s shore 4 days later, crowned with joy.
Awww. Dear Amy. ❤️ We don’t understand why it is “appointed unto man once to die” & that we won’t know the hour, but trust in God that He is in control. Thank God He is!! & that we will all be reunited.